
Data Creation Software for Populated Board Testing

Specifications Overview

Included Installation CD, license key (USB), instruction manual (× 1 each)
*Caution: Computer, monitor, and other hardware not included.
Gerber data input functions Loading of Gerber files (RS-274X, RS-274D), aperture files, and drill files
Mount data input functions Loading of CSV files containing circuit names, layout coordinates, angles of rotation, shape names, and component names
Support for operations such as rotation and mirroring, and display of data such as mounting locations
Graphic editing functions Copying, movement, deletion, and other manipulation of figures
Component library registration functions Registration of component list displays and component size, height, and pin numbers; registration of test pin pairs, test modes, ratings (thresholds), and upper and lower limit values; duplication of libraries
Test data generation functions Reverse net generation, test point extraction taking into account components and patterns, automatic movement of test points underneath components, generation of open tests between adjacent pads, etc.
Test point confirmation functions Display of test points on a graphical screen
Test data output functions FA1240 files, 1240/1114 files
Data management functions Saving of databases and management of component libraries